Thursday, April 19, 2018

While I Was Watching...

While I was watching...

Our church like many others,
Has the Easter custom of a cross,
Decorated with flowers
A marriage of the "lamb slain
From the foundation of the world,"
And the springing vitality of his creation.

The cross is a place to take a picture
and make a memory.
I sat with my cane beside me and watched.
A large family, some members present
Only because of the special day.
Another large family,, gathered from
Far places to comfort aging parents.
Sometimes just one person, alone
Because of distance or death.

And I wondered
What about those who have come
Just because, "It's what you do." or
"We did when I was a kid."
"Or it will please Mom or Dad."

The blood-bought salvation, and
The Holy Spirit's witness of adoption,
Unknown and so unsought.

But what right have I to guess at whats in a heart?
Since I don't know, I ask
"The Spirit to pray through me,
in sighs too deep for words,
yet acceptable to God,"
That the memory, or habit, or impulse
That brought them there, shall be nurtured,
By those around, who know the Spirit
And "feel the blood" until blooms in their hearts.

And now, I pray the ancient collect
for purity of heart, mine and their's,

Almighty God, unto whom
all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hid,
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit.
That we may perfectly love thee and
worthily magnify thy Holy Name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

...But Jesus Christ is Alive.

...But Jesus Christ is alive.

I want all who read this to name the things,
that worry you, annoy you, or discourage you, 
THEN repeat with me, 
Now repeat that when you hear anyone 
talking about their worries, annoyances, and discouragements. 
It is why Christians can smile when everyone else is frowning.

False Witnesses Defy God, Undermine Community

False Witnesses, Community Destroyers

The practice of spreading falsehoods about your political opponents is forbidden in the TEN COMMANDMENTS. "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." That is wrong, not only because God forbids it, but because it undermines the community.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

What Did I Do?

I stopped doing a thing,
Everyone knows is good.
It is about praying and
Reading the Bible.

I told them, read the Gospels
So you know who you are talking to
When you pray.

I said, read the book of Acts.
Jesus said receiving the Holy Spirit,
Is the main thing to pray for,
And WHO, God promises to give
To those who ask, in the Our Father
   Way.    (Luke 11:1-13)

Then I felt the Holy Spirit
Questioning how I spend my time.
I know, its not mine,
it belongs to God.
Promises I have made will not be kept.
Unless I change how I spend,
Well, Gods time.

Fewer and fewer came to
Hear what I was telling.
And read the books I was explaining.
If no one comes to be fed,
Shouldnt we change the diet?

What will they do?
The Holy Spirit, who sent Peter to Joppa,
Made Stephen the next speaker.
Stephen gave his life, And God called Paul.
A table waiter named Phillip,
Became the evangelist to Ethiopia,
Through a bureaucrat, he met on the road.
He also had four preacher daughters.

The Holy Spirit will do what He does.
Some of them will become teachers,
(Some already are) and replace me.
Others will find new teachers,
With things to give, that I dont have,
And ways of learning, that will open
New paths for them to know God.

The Holy Spirit says,
Do what you promised.

I will take care of them.